Health Screening Preparations

Here are some practical tips that may be helpful in preparing for your visit to our clinics/centres. Please check with the front counter of the relevant clinic for more information on any necessary preparation, if any.
1. Get enough sleep
Get enough sleep, at least 6 hours, prior to the check-up. Lack of sleep may cause abnormal results such as blood pressure, heart beat, and body temperature. The doctor may not be able to assess if any change is a real abnormality.
2. Do not eat or drink
Do not eat or drink at least 8 – 10 hours prior to the check-up. Water, however may be freely taken to avoid dehydration effects on blood sugar and cholesterol tests in the program.
3. Do not drink alcohol
Please do not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to appointment as drugs and alcohol may affect some tests. Please inform the doctor or nurse before the test.
4. Check for hypertension medication
If you are taking medicine for hypertension, you can continue taking as per doctor’s prescription. Check with your doctor if it would be possible for you to postpone your routine morning medication until your blood sample is taken.
5. Bring test results or medical report
If you have a chronic illness or other health problems, please bring any test results or medical report with you to assist in diagnosis.
6. Clothing
Should wear clothing allowing access to upper arm.
7. Avoid menstrual period
For females, avoid 7 days before or after the menstrual period. If you are menstruating on the day of your appointment, please inform the nurses on arrival. You will not be able to do your urine, stool and Pap smear tests because the presence of blood in these tests would produce inaccurate results. The Pap smear test can be arranged to be done on the day of your review.
8. Pregnant
If pregnant, please inform the staff to cancel the x-ray.
9. Enquiry
If you have inquiries about the Dos/Don’ts prior to a Health Screening, please contact our Medical Clinic during clinic hours at +603 2731 7661 or email us at at least 48 hours before your scheduled screening.

10. Others
- Fasting is mandatory for patients who will be taking the ultrasound abdomen test.
- Before undergoing a pelvic ultrasound, you will be required to drink several glasses of water. Please avoid urinating for about one hour prior to the examination time. When the bladder is full, it forms a convenient path, known as the acoustic window, for the ultrasonic waves.
11. Duration of Health Screening
The duration of each health screening package varies. On average, the entire health screening process including medical examination by a doctor will take between 2 – 4 hours depending on the health screening package selected.
12. What to Bring (if applicable)
- All medical records, recent x-ray, laboratory results, current medication
- Letter of Guarantee from an approved company / insurance provider
- Valid Form of Identification: Malaysian Identity Card (NRIC) / Military ID / Birth Certificate (for those under 13 years of age) or Valid Passport (for non-resident)
- Employment Pass/Work Permit (If applicable)